Find a location near to you

At A2B Motorcycle training we offer training courses at a number of convenient locations across North & West Yorkshire.

Select your preferred location when you book your training course with us. If you are unable to attend any of our nominated locations let us know, as by prior arrangement, we may be able to meet you at an alternative place.

Our trainers are highly experienced bikers and bring a passion for biking that will enthuse you, motivate you and ensure that you have the skills to handle a wide range of situations confidently and expertly.

West Yorkshire Rider Training

Looking for motorcycle training in Leeds? We have an experienced team ready to help you pass with confidence.


North Yorkshire Rider Training

Situated within the prestigious East Leeds Airport we offer the largest and safest training areas in the North of England


Motorcycle Training in Otley

Looking for motorcycle training in Leeds? We have an experienced team ready to help you pass with confidence.


Latest News

  • Top 10 Motorcycle Safety Tips

    Top 10 Motorcycle Safety Tips

    Motorcycles are brilliant fun to ride, but which ever way you look at it, they are not as safe as cars. To some people, that’s part of the appeal; living life on the edge and taking risks. Whilst this can be part of what makes riding a motorcycle rewarding at A2B we believe you should put your safety first. Motorcycles, ... Read more

  • DVSA training proposals

    DVSA training proposals

    The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has launched a consultation asking for views on proposals to improve motorcycle training. Motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable road users. They account for around 1% of traffic on Great Britain’s roads, but 21% of deaths or serious injuries. The proposed changes aim to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured ... Read more

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